As announced early September OHLA Schools and UniApplyNow have signed a service agreement between IMSIU, represented by Prince Naif Institute for Research and Consulting Services, OHLA Schools and UniApplyNow
As part of one of the services of this agreement, students in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and neighboring countries [similar time zone] are able to take OHLA’s Award Winning Virtual English Program.
Who Benefits?
- Students that need English to enter University in their native country, as part of the university admission requirement
- Students seeking admission to American Universities and need to improve their English skills
- Students seeking admission to Universities in English speaking countries and need to improve their English skills
- Students with a University Conditional Letter of Admission pending English requirement [Each university has a different requirement, please email us at]
- Students that cannot afford to travel overseas for English Programs and are careful with their budget
The cost of a 10 week session is 4000 SAR. We offer different schedules, morning and evening. For the cost in other currencies please contact us to the email below.
How to Register?
To register for the next online session to the OHLA Virtual Campus through IMSIU, represented by Prince Naif Institute for Research and Consulting Services, please contact us at